A thesis submitted to the Graduate Studies Office in particle fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of: Masters in the field of History of Shi’a”

Fatemeh Rahmati
Field of study:
Shi’i Studies
Faculty of Shi’i Studies
URD Press
Muhammad Taqi Sobhani
Mohammad Javdan, Seyyed Mostafa Motahhari

The present study, entitled “The Analysis of Methodology of Wilfried Madelung Studies in the Shia kalam”, aims at studying the study methods of a contemporary Western scholar and scholar on scholar studies. The scholar has succeeded in over a period of more than sixty years of research and teaching in the Shiite territory, as well as writing more than 375 works in this series, to recount a large part of the history of Shiite thought and introduce the West to the West. Since his studies are the basis of many studies of both western and eastern Shiite scholars today, we have tried to describe, explain and analyze the most important of his works in two axes, along with a brief overview of the scholar’s scholarly works. Psychology and content analysis, presenting a picture of them and presenting their strengths and weaknesses, and eventually presenting a relatively complete and coherent model of their study method in this field. According to the research, in fact, he By combining historiographical study methods, including the method of runway and in some cases Anili method, and in some other fields, new methods He has used innovative and research results, but in this regard, his main pattern in his studies was the same school of historiography. In general, the main drawback of Madelung’s method is to analyze theological issues with a historical look. Also, his religious attitude to Shiite propositions has led to a rejection or incomplete presentation of Shi’a beliefs. This is the result of the lack of coordination between the analyzes and the results of Shi’ite studies with the analyzes of Madelung and also of the Orientalists. However, Madelung has tried to observe justice and fairness in most of his reports, although in many cases due to the failure of the historical method in the field of thought and also because of the rule of some false predictions in the design Madelung, as well as due to the superficial reading of some of Shia’s theological works of the Middle Ages, as well as the absence of a picture or a comprehensive analysis. Since the Shi’a’s historical situation in that era, and in some cases the lack of attention to the methods and methods of the Shiite elders in their writings and researches, has been somewhat discouraged in the original design and some of its elements. The results point to some of the facts, including the most important one, is that Madelong, like many orientalists, refers to the Shiite thought with a historical and nonـreligious approach, and its historical evolution is affected by the social conditions of that period. Despite the many skills and sciences such as historical genealogy, kroonrology, developmental and critical analysis, he has benefited, but because of the neglect of theological and hadithic heritage as well as the special conditions of the Shi’a as a minority, in some cases the incomplete results Achieved. Key words: Western scholarship, Wilfred Madelung, Orientalists, Shi’a, Methodology, Historiography.