Analysis of the Reconstruction of Religious Thought According to the martyred professor Ayatollah Morteza Motahhari and Dr. Seyyed Hossein Nasr

Alimardan Khatibi
Field of study:
Theological religions
Faculty of Religions
URD Press
Mohammad Javad Roodgar
Mostafa Soltani

Research and study on religion and religious knowledge has always been of special importance and necessity, and the reconstruction of religious thought and thinking has been doubly important and necessary in recent centuries. In the intellectual system of Master Shahid Motahari, it is mentioned with the interpretation of reviving religious thought, and he called it a Qur’anic command and generalized it in the areas of belief-vision, moral-mystical or tendency-secretary and actions and behavior or action that reconstruction of religious concepts is a key application in revival theory. He believes in the fact that the truth of Islam has been distorted and impersonated in our minds and consciences and needs an intellectual-cultural revolution and a kind of epistemological resurrection in the form of “revival”. He makes a fundamental difference between the reconstruction of religion and the reconstruction of religious thought. They have risen to a rational and at the same time courageous struggle and have emphasized two elements: a) ability, comprehensiveness and perfection 2- purity of religion and religious thinking. Dr. Hossein Nasr also has a special sensitivity towards religion and the importance of religious renewal and has looked at it from the perspective of traditionalism. It goes without saying that the source of Nasr’s concern, like other religious thinkers who have sought to reconstruct religious thought, has been the invasion of Western thought, and modernity in particular. Based on traditionalism and eternal wisdom, Dr. Nasr believes that all religions are rooted in one principle and have an aspect of legitimacy, although it may be more due to the presence of certain conditions of religious legitimacy, such as Islam. Nasr considers the catastrophes of the modern world as the result of human beings turning to the logic of calculation and instrumental reason, and they believe that the original Islamic tradition can be the source of the principles and standards of a society different from today’s society. Therefore, the central issue of the present dissertation is focused on the reconstruction of religious thought, which in general with regard to the views of each of Motahhari and Nasr theory of revival of religious thought and thinking against the theory of reconstruction of religion based on epistemological, ontological, anthropological and theological foundations. Details of the principles between the two Islamic thinkers, namely Professor Shahid Motahhari and Dr. Nasr, in most cases there are structural and sometimes fundamental differences, as a result of their explanation of religion, legitimacy and unity and religious plurality are different and in some areas are different and intellectual commonalities and differences It was explained in the field of reconstruction of religious thought. The method of research is analytical-comparative, which has been realized with a brief quotation.