Explanation of consistency of divine foreknowledge and human freedom by Ainstien relativism theory
- Author:
- Mohammad Hosein Kargar shuraki
- Level:
- Master
- Field of study:
- Philosophy of Religion
- Language:
- Farsi
- Faculty:
- Faculty of Philosophy
- Year:
- 2020
- Publisher:
- URD Press
- Supervisor(s):
- mansur nasiri
Divine foreknowledge and its consistency or conflict with human freedom is the oldest gambit in philosophy . All of answers to this problem are based on absolutic point view about space and time. this research intend to answer to this problem using the relativistic concepts of time and acceptance interrelate of time & space and use fourth dimension instead of three dimensional universe by use of Ainstien relativitism theory. based on this attitude past future subsequence former possibility necessity determinism and freedom that assumed absolutely indeed are relative as well as these will be different from one viewer to another depended on location of viewer in coordinates of space-time and this different isn’t equal to inconsistence. Substantially all of incompatibility proof among nelson paiks proof that based on assume as time interval(gap) between divine knowledge and human act are based on incorrect assume and will be inefficient. In relativism attitude that is consequence of accept of Ainstien relativism theory the act of a human free agent that is possible and voluntary from a normal viewer point view is determined from point view of a uncommon viewer ( this viewer isn’t necessarily divine).in this way freedom act of human agent is determinate from god(universe omnificent) point view and this isn’t inconsistent with human freedom.