The Impact of Children’s Programs in the Future of Generations Industry (Alhudhud channel as model)

Field of study:
Faculty of Social Sciences, Media and Communication
URD Press

Satellite channels directed at children today constitute a great educational and cultural challenge for Arab societies that seek to raise their children in harmony with their cultures, ideas and beliefs, including the Iraqi society, where various parties and countries expose our children today to media outlets issued, and present new types of culture carried through satellite channels.  This would reflect different cultures and aspirations that are inappropriate for the Iraqi child who lives in a special geographical area.  And here the need for a network suitable for the Islamic culture of children arose, in the meantime, Al-Hodhud channel solved this problem to some extent.  This channel produces and presents a variety of entertaining and purposeful programs such as competitions, moral and awareness programs besides cartoons and animation. HodHod TV SD channel plays an active contribution by linking the child to the ideas and messages he receives with the aim of raising his level of social and religious awareness. It was founded in 2010 and in 2012  A Persian version was released alongside the Arabic version. The researcher used several theories related to the subject of the research, including uses and gratifications. This theory is concerned with the study of mass communication, a functional and organized study. This theory sees that the public is not just a passive receiver of mass communication messages, but rather individuals consciously choose the means of communication that they want to be exposed to and the type of content that meets their psychological and social needs.  Through the available information and entertainment channels, and the theory of cultural implantation, which indicates that individuals who are “exposed to the media by all means in an intense degree are more able to adopt beliefs about social reality that match mental images, models and ideas, more than those with low viewing.” Psychoanalytic theory includes acquiring The child and his insertion of the standards of his parents and the formation of his higher ego, and we can consider this theory as one of the pivotal theories in social upbringing that eliminate the idea of ​​learning by observing that the external environment presents the individual with many models of behavior that the individual represents his behavior.  In view of the subject of the study and the goals it seeks to achieve, the researcher uses the survey method, and the methodological procedures represent practical steps to achieve the research objectives and answer the sub-questions: What is the nature of the direction of the impact of Hudhud satellite programs on the behavior of Iraqi children?  What are the gratifications achieved for the children of Iraq while watching the programs of the Hudhud satellite channel?  How many hours do Iraqi children spend watching children’s programs to watch Hudhud channel?  To achieve the objectives of the research, the researcher designed a questionnaire consisting of 25 questions. The electronic questionnaire form was published by the people who were targeted by the study, where the researcher distributed the form to the sample surveyed from the women of the province of Babylon, and the number of people who filled out the form reached (407), and the researcher reached a method for selecting the sample through the Kornbach Medal. Several results were obtained as follows: It was concluded from the study that parents often determine the type of programs that their children watch, and that 56% of the children surveyed affected the TV programs on the Al-Hodhud channel on the behavior and behavior of their children, and that most of the respondents were positive changes on their children after Watching children’s programs, as their percentage reached 51% of the total sample.  It was also found that the respondents comment and discuss their children and share with him the comment on the scenes, and the best that can be presented is to get close to the child so that he feels respect for his entity and his opinion, and this came at the highest levels of the questionnaire newspaper