Allegiance in the Thought and sira of Shia Imams (a)

Mohammad Afshari
Field of study:
Studies in the history of Shiism
Faculty of History
URD Press
Mohammad Javdan

Pledge of Allegiance in the age of Shia Imams has been one of the most prominent political traditions in determining the caliph. Examining this issue from the perspective of Shia Imams, considering their special position in the eyes of Shia as the infallible persons appointed by God and the best model of thought and behavior for Muslims, it has a special position. Obtaining the political thought and behavior of Shia Imams on the issue of allegiance as an important issue of the Islamic political system, the possibility of following them as an example, answering the doubts about the issue of the allegiance of imams with the caliphs, and providing grounds for the defense of Shia doctrines in the face of opposing ideas on this issue are the most important goals of this research. This research tries to explain and investigate this issue in the context of the history of the age of the presence of Imams by descriptive-analytical method based on library data. The results show that the sovereignty in the thought of Shia Imams belongs to God, the Prophet and the Ulu al-‘amr, and the appointment of the Imams is done by the order of God. Therefore, the selection of the Imams through the pledge of allegiance is invalid and has no effect on the appointment of the Imams. In the Imam’s thought the government can only be defined with the free allegiance of people, and the allegiance is considered to provide the element of social authority. As explained in detail in this treatise, The sira of the Imams in the issue of allegiance to the rulers is based on three principles: not accepting the initial allegiance to non-infallible rulers, trying to explain the right of caliphate and sovereignty and exposing the usurpation of other people’s rule, and finally accepting the allegiance if coercionary. Regarding the issue of allegiance to oneself, the Shia Imams have explained the necessary conditions for the correct allegiance and only if there are suitable conditions for the establishment of the government, they have accepted the allegiance. The findings of the research show that the traditions that have expressed the thought of the Imams on the issue of allegiance are in complete agreement with their sira in allegiance to the rulers and also to themselves.