The analysis of Bektashi mystical principles based on the works of Yunes Emre
- Author:
- Level:
- Ph.D
- Field of study:
- Sufism and Islamic mysticism
- Language:
- Farsi
- Faculty:
- Faculty of Mysticism
- Year:
- 2020
- Publisher:
- URD Press
- Supervisor(s):
BAktashi is considered one of the Islamic approaches of Asia Minor and the Balkan region. Sufi scholars have provided various interpretations of the group’s origins and spiritual life without considering the mystical foundations and authentic texts of the approach.
Considering Yunus Emre as one of the most influential and widely accepted person who was intellectually very close to Bektashi, and also due to the commonality of his poems recited in Bektashi Taqis, the present study examines the mystical foundations of Bektashi works employing documentary and library research method.
In fact, the mystical foundations of Bektashi, from the point of view of Yunus Emre, are explained by assigning the apparent plurality of the universe to the true unity that cannot be realized in any specific time and place. It is realized, however, only in His single Holiness.
For Emre, the accumulation of the attributes like love, lover and beloved in God is the only reason of creation which is in fact reflected in Prophet Muhammad. For him the whole creation has been integrated into the existence of man, and the man’s most important spiritual dimension is his heart, which is the throne of His holiness.
Through reaching to the truth of the obedience, by the love of the Lord and his own mortality, the man finds unity with Him which is realized fully in his famous quote “I am the truth”. For him, passing through the four spiritual doors of Bektashi is the only way to reach to the heart of Sufism.
Yunus Emre views the Sharia as a legal door and form to get to the truth. For him, the way to the truth lies in establishing a deep connection with the perfect spiritual guide and the door of knowledge is heart and love.
He considers the truth as the highest status of man and his understanding of pure monotheism. In his view, philosophical wisdom is a worldly science; he considers true wisdom to be an intuitive knowledge of oneself that includes theology as well.