Investigation the ruling and the subject of practical action of enjoining the good and forbidding the wrong from the imamiyeh and hanafiyeh perspective and applying it to the positive law of Iran

Farhad Bahrami tabar
Field of study:
Comparative jurisprudence and law
Faculty of Islamic Denominations
URD Press
Ibrahim Ghasemi
Majid Zojaji

Enjoining the good and forbidding the wrong can be discussed and researched from different angles, including The tools of enjoining the good and forbidding the wrong are in Islamic jurisprudence under the title of “Levels of Enjoining the good and forbidding the wrong” are mentioned

One of the levels of Enjoining the good and forbidding the wrong is “practical action”, and in this research we seek to prove that this level is one of the definite and definite levels of Enjoining the good and forbidding the wrong. And although some jurists have introduced some objections to this level, but we have come to the conclusion based on solid documents that Practical action is one of the levels of Enjoining the good and forbidding the wrong  And in order to have a prosperous society away from anomalies, these two divine duties must be fulfilled this time.

In this regard, we have also answered the basic question of whether practical action in Enjoining the good and forbidding the wrong is the duty of the people or the duty of the government?

In response to this question, we have explained the detailed discussions and in the end we have reached the conclusion that enjoining the good and forbidding the wrong is the duty of the people, In some cases, it is also the duty of the government on a large scale.

In this study, we have also explained the views of the jurists of the imamiyeh religion on practical action ,We have also search the views of the hanafiyeh religion in this regard and explained the views of the jurists of this religion

Finally, we have explained the ruling and the subject of the practical action of enjoining the good and forbidding the wrong with the positive law. In the end, we came to the conclusion that all the jurists of the Islamic religions have believed Enjoining the good and forbidding the wrong in this level, And in the procedure and manner of its implementation, there is a difference of opinion between the Islamic religions and even the jurists of each religion.