A Critical Investigation of Nihilism in Gholam Hossein Saedi,s plays Based on the Philosophical Views of Gabriel Marcel

Seyyed Sadroddin Ferdowsi
Field of study:
philosophy of Art
Faculty of Religions
URD Press
Bijan Abdolkarimi

What came to the fore in twentieth-century philosophy and quickly influenced literature was a nihilism that somehow portrayed Nietzsche’s world, an issue that signaled the collapse of value-forging structures such as religion, science, and philosophy. Under the influence of world wars, French existentialist writers, on the other hand, realized the depth of the interpretation of the death of meaning in the New World and sought to expand it through literature. Among Iranian writers, Gholamhossein Saedi, one of the most important playwrights in the contemporary history of Iran, in the face of this non-imaginative current, portrayed plays centered on the middle urban society of Iran and showed non-imaginative layers in the life of Iranian society. On the other hand, Gabriel Marcel; The French philosopher and playwright received the call for the annihilation of values ​​and defined his philosophical possibilities for achieving human excellence in a concrete way. Known in the classifications of the history books of philosophy as the Divine Existentialist, he rejected this title and, by combining the philosophical dialectic of Socrates and his dramatic conversations, expressed the interpretation of the Christian neo-Socrates closer to his philosophical work. Now, the question of this research is how to critically examine the components of imagery in Saedi’s plays based on the philosophical views of Gabriel Marcel. Thus, in this essay, we travel to Marcel’s philosophical views and, from Marcel’s philosophical point of view, examine the nihilistic examples of Saedi’s dramatic text. In the analysis of three works of Saedi’s plays, he used the most important philosophical concepts of Marcel such as hope, otherness, mystery, being and having to extract Nihilistic layers in these three plays and in the end, We present Marcel’s solution to break the nihilistic impasse.