A Study of Idea about Imam among the first class of “Ashab al-‘Ijma’”

Mohammad Javad Ayoubi
Field of study:
Shia studies
Faculty of Shi’i Studies
URD Press
Seyyed AliReza Hoseyni
Emdad Touran

Abu Basir al-Asadi, Zorarah b. A’ian, Boraid b. Mo’awiah al-‘ijli, Mohammad b. Moslim al-Thqafi and Fozail b. Yasar, all from the first class of “Ashab al-Ijma”, are among the first group who were trained by Imam al-Baqir.

All Shi’a scholars agree about their authenticity, and there is no doubt about it. Hence, it is acceptable to study idea about Imam among the first them of “Ashab al-Ijma”.

There is no doubt that the transmission of the Hadiths about Imams and their characteristics by these narrators, means accepting their content, so a study entitled “reinterpreting the views about Imam among the first class of Ashab al-Ijma” has took place.

This study aims presenting a view of the idea of Imam among the first class of “Ashab al-Ijma’”. Of course, their view about Imam is a sign of the early beliefs about Imams and their characteristics and there is a sign of the originality of these beliefs which are not from a Gnostic source.

The conclusions of this research could be used a a meter for understanding the views in the Hadiths transmitted by the later classes of Shi’a scholars, which are in accord with the beliefs of the later Shia scholars.

In this research, at first the traditions of this group were collected and then were set in three seasons: the beliefs of Abu Basir al-Asadi, beliefs of Zorarah b. A’ian, and the beliefs of Fozail b. Yasar.

according to this study, it is clear that our Hadith sources can be a unique source for discovering the teachings and the theological beliefs of the early Hadith narrators and a good measure for the determination of originality and lack of authenticity.