Islamic systems in the era of the four caliphs(analytical study)

Shorouk Qassem Muhammed
Field of study:
Islamic History
Faculty of History
URD Press
Zainab Hamza Al Sarawi

The systems that Islam established and ruled the world in its wonderful light for centuries, and whose impact was deeper than any previous or after policy, are clear in many issues, the most important of which is the establishment of justice in all aspects of Islamic law, which are related to justice. All systems have their source and their foundation is justice. Because this is the main link in legislation, and the subject of investigation is fairness and equality in systems.

The study aims to understand the reality of the Islamic systems in the era of the four caliphs through the Islamic systems carried out by the first caliph and then the caliphs after him, as well as during the era of the Commander of the Faithful Ali bin Abi Talib, peace be upon him, as well as understanding the organizational method for them on all administrative, economic, social and military fields. And then preparing a detailed comparison between each Islamic system at the time of each caliph and finding the differences and similarities between them.

The research used the historical descriptive method in presenting data, events and historical facts that pertain to the Islamic regimes in the era of the Caliphs, and then using the analytical method to study, criticize and compare these events and facts in an objective and neutral manner.

As for the main question, what are the Islamic systems in the era of the four Caliphs?, which was taken from the title. As for the original hypothesis of the study, it is that the Islamic system is considered to create and guide people, as appeared in the era of the Caliphate the field of litigation and judicial separation. The first thing we think about is that people’s claims in Previous disputes that were before the judiciary, whether small or large, or the caliphate is no different from others. Muslims and their scholars have a special interest in the era of the Caliph Abu Bakr, Omar, the Ottoman and the Commander of the Faithful Ali bin Abi Talib (peace be upon him).

Among the findings of the study is that the Islamic system is not only material but also spiritual, and came to build and lead humanity, and Muslims and their scholars were particularly interested in the era of the Caliphate led by the Caliphs in general and the Commander of the Faithful Ali bin Abi Talib (peace be upon him) in particular, and that Islam organized All aspects of life since his early days, and these Islamic institutions are the product of revelation from the Qur’an and the facts of the biography of the prophets, and on the level of the internal political system of the Commander of the Faithful (peace be upon him) he sought to rule the people with excellent policies based on pure justice and clear truth, and seeks to plant security and prosperity, and his insistence On not distinguishing between race and color and distributing gifts to people equally.