The Legal System Of The International Administrative Contract

Osama Qassem Ali
Field of study:
Faculty of Law
URD Press
Mehdi Mirdadashi

The international administrative contract is the upgraded version of the administrative contracts. What distinguishes it from the latter is that it is distinguished by the fact that the party contracting with the administration is a foreign person, whether that person is a natural person, such as individuals who contract with the administration in a particular country to work in its public facilities, or a legal person such as international companies Invested in the public sector of another country, the international administrative contract is the one that governs this type of relationship, and the most important characteristic of the international administrative contract is that the state is one of its parties, and that the concept of the state in the international administrative contract narrows and expands, and the basis in that is the state. The administrative contract is limited to contracts in which the state is a party by itself, while the other opinion was that the contract is considered administrative if one of the parties to the contract or its representative from the agencies, and through this it can be said that the international administrative contract is an international contract of a new special nature, as it A public legal person was a party to it and was connected to the activity of a public utility, but it includes exceptional conditions that are unfamiliar in administrative contracts, such as the legislative stability clause, the contract stability clause, and the arbitration clause for settling disputes that It may arise from the conclusion of the contract as well as the applicable law, and the parties when concluding this type of contract have more freedom in contracting, as the principle of willpower is manifested in the exact opposite of internal administrative contracts