Citizenship, Comparison Between the Verses of the Qur’an and Law

Ahlam Hussein Khalaf Khalaf
Field of study:
Quranic Sciences
Faculty of Quranic Studies
URD Press
Ahmed Hassan Al-Bahadli

Various societies have realized the role of spreading the culture of citizenship for its role in building societies. It achieves the principles of citizenship in terms of security and stability for the nation at the social, political and economic levels, commitment to lofty values ​​and supreme principles, affirmation of respect for the law, and the dissemination of a culture of dialogue and coexistence.

Nations and peoples cannot maintain the continuity of their existence, progress and advancement except thanks to the education of their successive generations in a sound and integrated education, and to the extent that nations and societies maintain in the education of these generations their loyalty to their homelands as much as they preserve their survival and lofty status, the importance of education on citizenship is manifested in its being the consolidation of national identity. It also consolidates the love of the homeland and adherence to its sanctities while strengthening the desire to serve it and strengthening the values ​​of tolerance, volunteerism, cooperation and social solidarity that constitute the mainstay for advancing the developmental project of society, and that citizenship education includes developing the individual’s knowledge of his society, and his positive interaction with its members in a way that contributes to the formation of citizens. Good people who are able to judge what they face inside and outside their society, and thanks to the spirit of hope and reassurance that citizenship education brings, it is considered a solid bulwark against the culture of despair, pessimism and defeatism, and opens up horizons filled with confidence in the prospect of a better future.

The emergence of Islam constituted a transformation of the concept of citizenship, which was linked to a set of basic concepts in the Islamic system, represented by freedom, equality, and justice among all members of the human race. And concepts about life, man, work and social relations. Islam’s promise of piety is the balance of differentiation between people. Islam is based on religious brotherhood, in addition to the fact that the Holy Qur’an contains texts that raise the status of faith brotherhood, as God Almighty says in the court of his book, The Holy Qur’an is an understanding of the Islamic religion, bearing in its verses the foundations and basic, brief and miraculous texts of the Islamic conception of life. And the people, if citizenship means membership in the nation, this meaning was present in Islamic political thought in a firm manner that does not accept any interpretation.

In the Renaissance, citizenship gained the attention of political thinkers, as two currents emerged that dealt with the concept of citizenship, they are the current of enlightenment philosophers, for whom citizenship became of a broad theoretical content, and they took precedence, and then followed by the second current, which developed the analyzes of the first stream clearly and in both theoretical and realistic frameworks.