The Perfect premises of the Muhammadan Truth Based on Quranic texts

Tariq Samir Atshan Al-Hamdani
Field of study:
Quranic Sciences
Faculty of Quranic Studies
URD Press
Reza Elahi Manesh

Our motivation in choosing this subject is to spread the perfection of knowledge, which causes the competitors to compete with each other to achieve it, and the saints of God and the righteous will be superior by gaining it. For the knowledge of the essence of God and the unseen truths is the goal that every human being desires, every human being who desires the perfection of his humanity and the attainment of the highest degrees, which the perfect human being has reached. Rather, the value of man and the value of his deeds and worships and everything in this world is based only on his knowledge of the deity and his Creator, so worship in which the worshiper does not know his God has no value. For this reason, in the narrations, the superiority of the scholars over others and the superiority of the worship of the scholars over the worship of others are mentioned. It is stated in the hadiths that the sleep of the scholars is better than the worship of the ignorant. It is also stated in the narrations that two rak’ats of prayer that a person prays is better than seventy rak’ats of prayer that an ignorant person prays, and from this hadith the effect of knowledge and awareness on human nature and perfection and worship and his deeds can be understood. epistemological We present this research in three chapters. The first chapter is the generality and presentation of the problem, as is common in scientific methods and research dissertations. In the second chapter, we dealt with the maqaamat of the Divine nature, which are the three main maqam (the maqam of absolute existence, the maqam of oneness and the maqam of unity). We have pointed out that each authority has certain characteristics that do not apply to other authorities, and these authorities are related to the essence, but with the difference that sometimes they are indefinite, and sometimes they have a definite nature. and at other times they are in unity with plural nouns, and that each of these maqaamat has its own rulings on which the system of existence is based. Then we turned to the third chapter of this research, which is the expression of Muhammadan truth and its place in the system of existence and its role in existential mediation and perfection, and giving the right of every rightful owner to him, after their awareness of all the nominal truths and his ability to convey perfection of absolute perfection to them, which has two aspects, One of them is esoteric, with which it is connected to the absolute esoteric, and the other is apparent, and with which it is connected to the esoteric. So it is a purgatory truth between necessity and possibility, because it has the capacity to mediate between the two and transfer grace from God Almighty to them. After that, we expressed the difference between Muhammadan truth and the perfect man, and expressed the perfections of the perfect man, all of which were appropriate to each argument by arguing for Qur’anic verses.