The Legal Status of a Member of the House of Representatives and his Legislative and Oversight Powers under the Influence of Political Parties
- Author:
- Ahmed Jawad Ahmed Alhatab
- Level:
- Master
- Field of study:
- Low
- Language:
- Arabic
- Faculty:
- Faculty of Law
- Year:
- 2022
- Publisher:
- URD Press
- Supervisor(s):
- Muhamad Jawad Nowruzi Farani
This study revolves around this basic question: “What is the legal status of a member of the House of Representatives and his legislative and oversight powers in light of the influence of political parties?” And its hypothesis was that the representative belongs to the legislative authority, so he exercises or participates in exercising the competencies of this authority. Saying the exercise or participation in the exercise of these competencies is entrusted to the position of the constitution, and perhaps one of the most important legislative and oversight powers, and these characteristics highlight the role of the representative in a large way. The legislative authority, which occupies a prominent importance among the authorities, due to its status and the function it performs. Its reliance on the people strengthened its function on more than one level. With recognition of its competence in the legislative function, it began to exercise an important oversight and political role – in some countries – represented by monitoring the executive authority to the extent of determining its responsibility when the reasons are available. And if the legislative authority is the closest authority to the people, then it is based on the representation of its members for the will of the people, and through these deputies this authority performs its tasks. If the public servant is the man of the executive authority and the judge is a member of the judiciary authority, then the member of the House of Representatives – and rightfully so – is the pillar of the legislative authority. The latter plays its role through its members, and as far as these deputies perform their duties, the effectiveness of the legislative authority is measured. After 2003, when the free democratic system exceeded the limits of the most free democracies, the parliament during its first years of operation exercised its hoped-for legislative role, but this role and influence declined a lot “due to political considerations and parties that dominated the nomination and selection of its members, and the selection of the presidency.” and chairing and membership of committees, which negatively affected the performance of the parliament. Indeed, these considerations negatively affected the relationship of the representative with the government, and the representative with his committee and then with his presidency, which is what generated a lumpy council, nationally, religiously, sectarian, and politically, and this was accompanied by a crisis of confidence Mutual until the matter reached the point of suspicion, and we are certain that “this attraction and rivalry did not arise except due to the political factor, as the majority of the deputies sought – as well as some joints of the government to give preference to the narrow private interest over the public and national interests.