A Thesis submitted to the Graduate Studies Office In particle fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Masters in History of Shia

Mrs. Zeinab Jaber
Field of study:
Islamic History
Faculty of History
URD Press
Sayid Mohammad Huseini

Since the begining of Islam, women’s role had grown in importance. Their participation in society became not limited to social or political activities; they had also played a much larger role.

According to the Qurʾān, women are equal to men, at least in terms of their relationship with God and their responsibilities. When it comes to belief in God, worship, and the practice of certain religious rituals such as prayer, women have the same obligations as men.

Islam had given women their rights, Prophet of Islam Mohammad (s.a.w) had encouraged her to learn, helped them to get her rights, and wanted from her to be an active member in the society. One of the important and greatest events in the early Islam, inwhich women participated was: “Hojjat al-Wida”, and the day of “Ghadir”.

Since that hajj was the last hajj of the Prophet, it was later called:”Hojjat al-Wida”.When hajj rituals finished and the Prophet (s.a.w) left Mecca toward Medina, they arrived at Ghadir Khumm, on the eighteenth of Dhu l-Hijja and in this place, Gabriel revealed the verse of Tabligh to the Prophet (s.a.w) and delivered him the order of God for appointment of Ali (a.s) as Wali and Wasi (successor) after the Prophet (s.a.w) and announcing it to people.. This event was accompanied with thousands of people, women had been also participating infront of men. History had named few of the women who had been there, such as the daughter of the prophet Mohammad (s.a.w), Hazrat Fatima (a.s), Prophet’s wives such as: Om Salama and Ayisha, and many other women..

According to History and  Hadith, woman in this event had a big role, other than participating, she had acclaimed Imam Ali (a.s) him as Amir al-Mu’minin (Commander of the Faithful), after that she had a big role in transimission of Hadith Al-Ghadir (which is considered to be one of the most important speeches – Hadith – in Islam)..

Throughout history, women had also defended for the right of their imam: as the Wali and Wasi (successor) after the Prophet (s.a.w).