Al-Mada’in and its political and cultural role for Shia in the first three centuries of the Hijrah

Youssef Abdallah Kazem Al-Naili
Field of study:
Islamic History
Faculty of History
URD Press
Haider Jafar Al-Saadi

Al-Mada’in is one of the most important cities in the land of ancient Iraq, which became the capital of many internal and external countries, and perhaps the most important is that it is the capital of the Persian state that expanded its control over vast lands of the world. After the entry of Islam and the defeat of the Persian armies, Mada’in became an important city for the Islamic army, as well as an incubator for those who remained from the various nationalities in the land of Iraq, and the rightful caliphs gave it special importance, until he sent to it the best of the Companions of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) to be its emir, and the divine power willed To have those princes and the tribes that inhabited it and the circumstances surrounding it, the passage of the Commander of the Faithful (peace be upon him) in it, and the appearance of some dignitaries there, so was the factor of the loyalist who found the true Islam in Ali and his household (peace be upon him) an important factor in its Shia and devotion to this beginning. That is why the enemies of Ali and the enemies of the Shiites, such as Mu’awiya, paid attention to her, and tried to harass her in various ways, and they were ostracized in her with various types of bullying and harassment, and perhaps the raids that Mu’awiya launched are a good witness to this. Then came the caliphate of Hassan and the movement of Imam Hussein and his revolution, and the movement of Zayd and after that, then the transfer of the Khorasanis to it from those who called with satisfaction from the family of Muhammad, and the presence of Imam Sadiq in Kufa, and after him the imams in the land of Iraq and the delegation of narrators and men of the fields to listen to their hadiths, which was an elite in this place and city A large number of Shiites influenced the near and far surroundings. So our letter was entitled (Al-Mada’in and its political and cultural role for Shia in the first three centuries of the Hijra) and we had an important question in front of us, which is: What is the political and cultural role of Mada’in for Shi’a in the first three centuries? And we tried to answer it by following the mothers of the historical and male sources to bring out the scientific answer to this question, and the result of our research was that we found that the Mada’in played a prominent role in the service of Shiism, whether at the beginning of Islam and the age of the Rashiduns, or in the centuries that followed, and our method in the research was a historical, descriptive, and analytical approach In it, we tried to rely on the scientific evidence so that the result is the one who speaks and shows the reader what we have arrived at.