The Narrative Space in the Story (It Is a Thing Decreed) by Fawzi al-Ta’ee

Watheq Manea Murad Al-Maghsoob
Field of study:
Arabic Language and Literature
Faculty of Nations Cultures and Languages
URD Press

This study aims to discover the most important components of the space in the contemporary Arabic narrative message, and proves that man is not separated from his space, rather he is this space itself. An innovator and an artist may feel the space deeply in comparison to others, and for this reason the relation between the space and the literature became stronger. In fact, the space is considered the substantial matter of narrative authoring, therefore, we feel that the narrative space is an important element in the literary message, rather the most important part that any text may need since it is difficult for us to imagine an act which could be exist in the void even it was not related to fact. However, we still witness the lack of modern and contemporary criticism studies in regard to this sensitive component.In this discuss, depending on the study of the narrative space in the story (It Is a Thing Decreed) – by Fawzi al-Ta’ee, we are trying to find some answers to two questions: What does the narrative space include in the story (It Is a Thing Decreed)? What are the artistic significations of the narrative space in any story? in order to deal with the theoretical facts and information of the story, and to reveal the concepts of the narrative space and know its meanings. This research concentrates on the geographical space since it is the most presenting element in the story where the body of the narrator, and gives the minimum amount of geographical signs which mobilize the reader’s imagination to discover the place which the imaginary story picture. According to most studies that focused on place and time, we shall look for closed, open and moving places in the story; as for the time, we will deepen in structure of the time and its compartments, seeking the analytic and descriptive method with balance – if exists – and analyze the content of some scenes, and then will extract the results by studying this story based on time and the samples derived from the story.