Racism in the Holy Qur’an and the Old Testament

Mohammed Ghzai Faisal Faisal
Field of study:
Quranic Sciences
Faculty of Quranic Studies
URD Press
Shaima Hamidi

Racial discrimination is one of the most important and prominent social-ethical themes that has been the concern of thinkers since long ago.Despite the fact that the Qur’an has absolutely rejected racial discrimination and has emphasized its equality and its implementation in all human societies, but this matter has been contradicted in other heavenly scriptures such as the Old Testament, therefore, this book has been rejected due to distortions. And the lies that have led to it, can be seen as a clear manifestation of racial discrimination that its followers have been negatively affected by following it. Based on the descriptive-analytical method, this research aims to investigate racial discrimination and its effects in the Old Testament, as well as the perspective of the Holy Qur’an and how to solve it. On the other hand, it refers to some ethnic groups in which racial discrimination has existed since long ago.In addition, racial discrimination in the Jewish people and the most prominent features and examples of it in the Old Testament, such as: The Jewish nation is God’s chosen. And they are the children of Almighty God. And they dominate the property, children, and other affairs of other nations.One of the results of this discussion is that: First, the manifestation of racial discrimination should be found predominantly in the Jewish nation, and this is the result of the influence of false news that was introduced in the Old Testament and its followers followed them.Second: The Holy Quran considers the solution to overcome discrimination in the necessity of implementing equality in personal and social relationships of individuals and respecting each other’s mutual rights and commitment to justice. The Talmud and its baseless teachings return.Fourth: Jewish racial discrimination is absolute and is not limited to ethnic type, but also manifests itself in the individual and religious dimension.