Rituals and religious rites in the Umayyad era and Imams’s attidude towards them

Hayder Adil Hamzah Al-Jawthari
Field of study:
Islamic History
Faculty of Law
URD Press
Ramadan Mohammadi

There is no doubt or dispute that every society has a set of rituals and traditions that make it different from other societies, and these rituals and traditions express unwritten laws and standards related to behavior and work when interacting with others in society, and these rituals and traditions are also linked to events and celebrations that are followed.In this society, especially with regard to religion, knowing that there are many similarities between rituals and traditions, which confuse people, and despite the entry of heresies and illusions on the subject of rituals and rituals, some of them have become sacred, but no one can deny the status of those rituals because they represent A means of linking the slave and his Lord.The follower of Islamic history finds that the interest in religious rituals and celebrations in the Umayyad era was not different from that which preceded it in the pre-Islamic era and the era of early Islam, which is the nucleus of emergence in religious ceremonies adopted by the Islamic community in his life, such as the migration of the Prophet Muhammad.Where the Hijri year and the Islamic calendar of the Islamic state represented for Muslims, and from this point of view the society was able to celebrate these religious occasions until it reached the Umayyad era, and it was like other Muslim societies celebrating occasions such as holidays and the blessed months.It is no secret to everyone who has browsed Islamic history and delved into the sea of ​​rituals and rituals in the Umayyad era, that there are many factors that affected it, such as the political, economic and other factors…The review of historical events indicates that the imams had a clear and explicit position on those who try to attribute to religious rituals and rituals something that is incompatible with them, and the evidence for this is urging people to revive some rituals and religious occasions without others (Eid al-Fitr, Eid al-Adha, condolences for the loss of loved ones, etc… ..) despite the Umayyad dictatorship against them.There are also many problems and dilemmas of all kinds (belief, morality..) that face religious rituals and celebrations, and we have shown how Islam came with solid beliefs that the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and his pure house followed and entrenched them in the minds of society throughout the period of their rule, despite the oppression of the ruling authorities, especially the Umayyad Of which.