Legal Guarantees to Protect Public Money From Administrative Corruption

Zainalabdin Thaer Abdulamer Albaldadwi
Field of study:
Faculty of Law
URD Press
Maytham Nemati

Corruption has become a widespread phenomenon in most societies, but it is a temporary phenomenon that can be addressed and combated by several means, such as criminal, punitive and administrative protection, as well as spreading a culture of integrity in the community, as protecting public money and preserving it from all aspects of corruption is a basic duty and arduous task for all the state. Any waste of public money and any corruption that taints it will plunge the state to a deep bottom, where turmoil, dispersal, disputes, lack of justice and public discontent prevail. The main objective of this study is to clarify the basic guarantees that aim to protect public money and reduce the manifestations of administrative corruption, because public money is the vital aspect in the public utilities of the state that achieves the general welfare of society. Public money, the issue of protecting public money is of great importance in the aspect of theoretical studies and there are many researches that dealt with criminal and administrative protection of public money, but there is an important aspect of protecting public money that has not been studied abundantly by research, and if any, it is limited in quantity and quality and this aspect It is the door to constitutional and legal protection of public money. The constitution, as the most lofty document in countries, is the first fortress and the basis on which the rules and laws of protecting public money are built from forms of corruption and encroachment on public money. The main question is what are the legal guarantees contained in texts and legislation that aim to protect public money from corruption Administrative? In this study, I followed the descriptive-analytical approach to the legal texts related to legal and constitutional guarantees to protect public money from administrative corruption and reached a number of results. Multiple and varied means of money protection, but the constitution remains the source and origin of the first protection for these funds through the guarantees contained in the constitutional rule. Public funds are subject to the country A private legal system differs from the legal system in which private funds are controlled. The reason is that the distribution of public funds is in the public interest. This difference is manifested in the form of content relating to the rules of protection is clearly visible.