poetic images in the poems of the “Abonajm Al-ejli”

Al- Askari Mohammad Abbas Zghair
Field of study:
Arabic Language and Literature
Faculty of Nations Cultures and Languages
URD Press

Poetic image is reckoned as the main pillar of Arabic poems and most of the literary men have paid attention to it since ancient times. And in Arabic poems, the attention to it has increased as it is the main tool for expressing emotions and experiences that poets describe it in their poems. The poetic image has connection with reality but the poet makes a connection between these two with imagination and innovation in order to convince the readers with artistic, innovative and rhetorical way and affect on them and motivate emotions and thoughts and persuade them to understand the context of the poem . The best example in this field is the poetic image  in Abu Al-najm Al-ajli’s poetical works that makes the researcher to choose them as the subject of dissertation. According to the importance of poetic image in analyzing the Arabic poems the researcher preferred choosing poetic image in Abu Al-najm Al-ajli’s poetical works subject. Because he is reckoned as one of the famous Arab braggart in Amavi age and in time of Hosham Ebn Abdolmlak.

  This research includes a brief introduction that has expressed the poetic image and the points of Abu Al-najm Al-ajli’s poems than other braggarts. As the following introduction there are three seasons that in the first season the researcher has addressed poet’s biography, parentage, social life, contemporary poets and his poetic intentions. In second season he has analyzed  lexical and idiomatic definition of poetic image in aspects of ancient, contemporaries, antecedent, structure and the features of poetic image. And in third season researcher has analyzed poet’s poetical works in aspect of expressive methods such as simile, imagery, metaphor and irony .

 On the first subject of this season, the poetic image resources have been examined.

  On the second subject the types of poetic has been analyzed such as simile, imagery, metaphor and irony.

 The results that the researcher found is that the poetic images in Abu Al-najm Al-ajli’s  poetical work has perfect coherence with the level of poetic concepts .

Also he has used sensory similes and metaphor of poetic images. And their function makes the concept more obvious. Also he has used “Majzuo” rhythm.