The Companion of the Prophet “ Qais bin Saad bin Ubada ” Historical Analytical Study As partial fulfillment for the requirement of Master Degree in Islamic History

Mohammed Mohsen Harib
Field of study:
Islamic History
Faculty of History
URD Press

      The great companion Qais bin Saad bin Ubadah Al-Ansari (may God be pleased with him) had a great role and great contributions in the era of the first message. His tribe (the Khazraj) had sheltered, prevented, cherished, helped, and sacrificed souls and money for the sake of Islam and the elevation of the word of God. From his early childhood, he entered the service of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, and he drew from the source of pure prophecy, the saturation of morals and the Muhammadan principles, and he knew closely the foundations of true Islam, and the spirit of true Sharia. On the path of Islam he arose, and on the path of guidance he grew. So  gathered in him through attributes, and they rarely meet in others, in him there is piety,  righteousness, and in him is honesty, uprightness and sincerity. In addition to courage, daring, valor, firmness, steadfastness on the truth, fervor, high energy and penetration of insight. He was. endowed with chivalry, generosity, and altruism

    After the departure of the Noble Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace, he followed in the footsteps of the principles that he was inspired by, the commandments and instructions that he imbibed. His foot did not move, and his vision did not deviate from the course of truth. So, the Ahl al-Bayt (peace be upon them) adhered to when people denied them, disputed their right, and distanced them from their positions, which God chose for them. He stood against the Saqefa Conference, rejected its mechanisms and outputs, and then quit the government of the second Caliph. And he opposed the policy of the third ruler. And when matters came to Imam Ali (peace be upon him), he was one of the first supporters of him, one of his fiercest defenders, and one of the fiercest warriors under his banner. And he was the resounding cry against the reluctant, the vacillating, and the masked, and the cutting sword in the face of the forces of misguidance, oppression and aggression. The Imam made him the Wali (ruler )of Egypt and then Azerbaijan, and assigned him to lead the (Khamis Police) that striking guerrilla squad that pledged allegiance to Imam Ali (peace be upon him) over death, and sowed terror in the hearts of the rebels. He was the clever administrator, the pious official, the clever politician, the brave leader, the feat of gladiator, the valiant warrior, and the zealous hero. This research aims to shed light on this great companion, who has a good biography, good qualities, right approach, generous giving, beautiful loyalty, and many talents. He spared no effort, opinion, advice or advice. for the message of Islam.

The research  aims through  the presentation and discussion of the events that he witnessed, the attitudes that emerged from him, examining the news and narrations that  mention him , analyzing the opinions that were said about him, and criticizing the attacks  that were. issued against him.