The Witness، its reality and divisons, A study according Quran and Sunah

Qusay Tawfeq Hantoosh Alowaidh
Field of study:
Quranic Sciences
Faculty of Quranic Studies
URD Press
MaKarem Tarjoman

One of the valuable knowledge In the  Quran that has a great role In the upbringing of human and In his characterization of piety and fear Is the issue of witnessing to deeds.God Almighty,  He is a witness to everything and nothing is hidden from Him on earth or in heaven. He said in the  Quran that He bears witness to the deeds of people, so these witnesses bear witness to deeds.  In this life and in the hereafter. Therefore, it is important to research and know about the reality of witness, its divisions and conditions mentioned in the Noble Quran and Sunnah. In this Master’s Thesis, it is clear that witness has many meanings that are combined in the meaning of existence or presence, knowledge and news.  That it has many meanings in the  Quran and the Sunnah, such as oath, presence, argument, knowledge, performance, and others. The speech scholars divided the witness by looking at the attested into two parts: the witness, which relates to the appearances of the apparent actions, and the witness, which relates to the realities of the actions, and they divided it, in terms of its quality,  into verbal, actual and rational. In the  Sunnah, witness is divided according to its circumstance into testimony to deeds in this world and witness to deeds in the hereafter, and it is divided according to its method or style into heartfelt, present and verbal. It was also found that the witnesses to the actions are numerous have different ranks and positions on the basis of which their testimony is based. It is worth noting that the multiplicity and number of witnesses to human actions. On the day of Resurrection  in consequence of the multiplicity of situations on that day and the insistence of man on his denial of his sins. The station of witness is the pick up and choice of God Almighty for some of His servants who have the capacity and readiness for this task. The witnesses to deeds on the Day of Resurrection will have conditions: their knowledge of the unseen, infallibility, forgetfulness, life, presence, and selection. There are some suspicions, including: the contradiction between the fact that the witnesses know the unseen and that knowledge of the unseen is limited to God Almighty. The answer is that the witnesses to actions know the unseen, and their knowledge is as long as the knowledge of God, the Blessed and Most High, and His permission without singularity and independence, including the fact that the prophets, imams and righteous people did not see the deeds of people after their death, and the answer to this suspicion can be done by meditating on His saying, the Most High. And say, “Do [as you will], for Allah will see your deeds, and [so, will] His Messenger and the believers. And you will be returned to the Knower of the unseen and the witnessed, and He will inform you of what you used to do.” For they see works as what remains in the world working and not limited to the time of their lives only, including the inclusion of the term martyrs for all the nation. The answer is that all members of the nation are not righteous in the position of witnessing to deeds on the Day of Resurrection, as it is a position and a favor from God Almighty for some worship.