stylistic features of “Mohsen Abu al-Hobb” elegies (a linguistic and semantic study)

Ahmed Oudah Hussein Challabi
Field of study:
Arabic Language and Literature
Faculty of Nations Cultures and Languages
URD Press
Meytham Imanian

Style and investigating the stylistics of a literary work is one of the important topics that critics and researchers have paid attention to in their modern critical studies. Stylistics is a science that deals with the linguistic analysis of a text to examine its aesthetic aspects. Therefore, stylistics is considered as a method and an introduction to knowing literary texts and determining their aesthetic features and aspects. This research aims to examine the elegies of the Iraqi poet “Abd al-Mohsen Abu al-Hobb”, who is considered one of the prominent Karbala poets of his era, with a descriptive-analytical approach to investigate the stylistic aspects of his elegies. In this regard, the researcher uses general linguistic data. Among the findings of this research is that the style of invocation, the abundance of verbal and spiritual enhancements, the abundance of verbal sentences, the abundance of derived words, and the use of request styles are among the most common in the poet’s poetry. These styles have several goals that are obtained from the context of the word. The language of Abu al-Hobb’s poetry has the characteristics of tenderness and sweetness combined with simplicity of expression and intense emotions in a conservative style far from vulgarity.

Also, the sad emotion has prompted the poet to use more verbal sentences than nominal sentences in his elegies. Therefore, it can be said that there is a deliberate balance between his emotions and his style. At the semantic level, the prominent features of his poetry are manifested in images based on similes, metaphors, and novel enhancements.