The textual casting in the light of the marginal and central connotations (FUSSILAT Verse as an example)

Field of study:
Arabic Language and Literature
Faculty of Nations Cultures and Languages
URD Press

The textual casting is an important branch of the text, which is a branch of modern linguistics, and since it is intended for objective unity, which is achieved through tools, both grammatical and lexical, where it is manifested in pronouns, referrals, deletions, repetition, appropriate, linguistic accompaniments, and solidarity. These horizontal textual relationships in the text may be closely related to the major and central structure, as well as to the horizontal relationships (marginal significance). These relationships and tools achieve confirmation and proof of the grand structure. In fact, it is the central and marginal connotation that produces those relationships and correlations. What we first noticed in the verse in terms of achieving the central structure is the existence of interconnected microstructures that emphasize (the principle of monotheism, prophecy and re-deformity) together throughout the verse because it is the main idea and objective unity that governed by the mental and objective consistency , but next to reason and objectivity , There is an emotional significance that also contributed to the achievement of the text by employing the repetition tool and in the light of the analytical descriptive approach, which appears in the form of stylistic stimuli that give the text its artistic, expressive, intellectual, as well as emotional value, where the latter was capable of awakening the awareness of the recipient and alerting him, as well as charging him emotionally, as in the following verse where we feel the horror of the discourse and the torment, its intensity and strength (( So We sent upon them a screaming wind during days of misfortune to make them taste the punishment of disgrace in the worldly life; but the punishment of the Hereafter is more disgracing, and they will not be helped )).

In the verse, words with high emotional charges are used, such as: (wind, cockroach), so the repetition of strong and vocal suggestive letters such as (SAAD) with its association with (RAA), which benefits repetition, double its impact on the recipient and exaggerate the severity of the torment, Likewise, the use of the word (disgrace) in conjunction with the word torture and the verb (to taste them) (confirmed with the LAAM of affirmation), as well as in the (and the torment of the Hereafter). God Almighty called those days (Ayam Nhasat). The word “Nahas” has a negative emotional charge that overwhelms the verse and increases its impact and intensity.