Oversight of Government Legislation Within the Llimits of the Constitutional Judiciary in Iraqi and Jordanian Law

Mohammed Riyadh Maizar Almasoodi
Field of study:
Faculty of Law
URD Press
Muhammad Javed Javid

The essence of legislation is its freedom in the field of law – as we have mentioned – which determines the purpose of the law, the desired interest and the level of its suitability during a certain period of time. The people, because it allows them to develop laws and advance within the framework of the constitution, and this certainly does not prevent the application of obstacles to the legislature, with the knowledge of constitutional justice in cases where the constitution does not provide for a specific restriction. Or his unwillingness to interfere in his nature is to the legislature. If the legislature itself does not withdraw from an issue by regulation, it may not intervene – as a matter of principle – until it is authorized to intervene and does not specify the time of its intervention, which is often not if the nature of the legislature interferes in its crystallization and the formation of several factors, the most important of which is the method of writing the statement itself, and the extent of detail the items contained therein or their summary, and the extent to which there are so many objective restrictions it imposes on the political philosophy that it adopts, that there is no room for details here, except that this power is not in any case absolute power, but the greatest difficulty is within the framework of the opposition power that Parliament enjoys In the laws he sanctions is that praise is not lust and dictatorship, but praise is the fault of all domination.The main question: What is the oversight of government legislation within the limits of the constitutional judiciary in Iraqi and Jordanian law? The original hypothesis: The essence of the legislator is his freedom in the field of law, because it determines the purpose of the law and the interest of the will and the level of its suitability at a particular time, because it determines its purpose in moving forward within the framework of the Iraqi constitution. Constitutionalism in Jordan, it is not only limited to oversight on the constitutionality of laws, but also includes “oversight of Jordanian governance.” The authority in its two branches – the regular and the administrative – has exercised its right to review the legitimacy of laws.” They became experts in the constitution.