The first sin in the Holy Qur’an and the Bible: A comparative study between Islamic thought and Christian thought

Ali Jaro Sayel Sayel
Field of study:
Quranic Sciences
Faculty of Quranic Studies
URD Press

  The mention of the Book of Al-Tawain at the beginning of the third chapter about the snake that stood up in the water of Eve, which in turn seduced Adam and ate everything from the tree: And the snake was one of all the wild animals whose actions are the Lord God, so she said to the woman: “Is it true that God said, “I can’t take care of all the trees of Paradise?” The woman said to Al-Hiyah: I eat the fruit of the tree of Paradise, but I am the fruit of the tree that is in the middle of Paradise, and God said: “Don’t be afraid of me, and don’t be tempted, lest you die.” And Al-Hiyah said to the woman: “Don’t die, but God knows that on the day you grow from me, your eyes will be opened and you will be all-knowing of good and evil.” And the trees are good for eating, and they are a delight to the eyes, and the tree is pleasing to the eyes, and the fruit of the tree is pleasing to the eyes, and the fruit of the tree is pleasing to the eye. I am envious of the man who made God the Khalifa, and he asked me and the angels to prostrate before him in greeting and respect, and in recognition of his sovereignty on earth, as the devil’s rejection of me is a hateful element, which is represented by his seeing himself as superior to me, because of the principle of creation. And I created clay﴾ [Surah Al-A’raf: 12], and therefore he took it upon himself to work on the seduction of the children of Adam, who will enter them with him in Hellfire, ﴿ He said, “By Your glory, we will all be destroyed, except for Your servants, among them are the faithful﴾ [Surah p. 82-83]. And in the last place, Satan promised to come to mankind from all directions, in the sense of employing all the means of seducing him: ﴿ He said, “If we tempt you to lead them on the straight path, then I will be between them, and behind them, and from their faith, and from their idols, and the majority of them are grateful.” [Surah Al-A’raf: 16] , 17], and this scene is not in Sefar al-Tawain.