The Qur’anic Discourse Between Tenderness and Deverity، an Interpretive Study
- Author:
- Fawzi Ali Jassim Al-Obaidi
- Level:
- Master
- Field of study:
- Quranic Sciences
- Language:
- Arabic
- Faculty:
- Faculty of Quranic Studies
- Year:
- 2022
- Publisher:
- URD Press
- Supervisor(s):
- Seyed Shabib Mousavi
Thank God , the revelation of the Qur’an in a protected book, a book whose wonders do not end, and is not created with many answers, a book whose words do not end and does not expire, and blessings and peace be upon the mercy of the worlds, the teacher of the people of the book and wisdom.This interpretative study was carried out under the title of ” the words of the Qur’an in terms of tenderness and severity”. This study has aimed to explain the words of the Qur’an, which is one of the concepts that has proven its worth. This type of speech is the greatest speech, which is characterized by its consistency and frees it from any pointless and wrong words. It is unique in terms of sanctity that God Almighty has used in the verses of the Holy Qur’an. By meditating on it, one can understand the eloquence of the creator, the mighty and the sublime. We note that the Holy Qur’an has arranged the word in such a way that there is a balance between reason and feeling, therefore, it addresses Muslims, infidels, believers and hypocrites. This method mixes persuasion and pleasure, and sometimes He used the same rhetorical method to address messengers and those who are responsible for conveying the meassage of revelation. So, in general, this speech is for the general public, for example, as God the Almighty has addressed to the public on various topics, and there are specific goals in each speech, such as speaking with the prophets and messengers, where God speaks with the faithful and righteous messengers. This word reached 89 points in the Holy Qur’an and God’s address to the People of the Book and others invited them to the truth and abandoning polytheism, which all the words of the Qur’an are from the Almighty God. For this reason, the message of God Almighty has become universal for all people, all places and all times. This message is not for a specific person or a specific time and place, but it is an eternal message for all times and places and for all people which was revealed in a creative rhetorical style so that he could read what his Lord had revealed to him and understand it in order to be guided towards the truth in life. Therefore, the words of the Qur’an should be understood in order to be used in the human field and to guide him towards the construction of the earth. The word of the Quran is different from all words and it is miraculous and absolute unity that goes beyond the human being, situations and realities and attracts the human being with discourse capabilities that are ready to descend on him regardless of its qualitative changes. Every reality is relative. This type of speech is with a complete purpose and a connection between the goals of the truth of creation and the norms, which guides man to his limits. The words of the Qur’an directly and purposefully address the human being completely in terms of mind, soul and feelings.
Accordingly , it is concluded that the word of the Qur’an is a general word for all people, and the missionaries need to use the delicate word of the Qur’an, because this type of word helps them to attract people’s hearts and their claims and what that they want to complete because if the method used in that Quran was a harsh method and harsh language, it would alienate the majority of the listeners. The best proof is on our beloved Prophet and the way he spoke in calling people to God and the religion of Islam because if he was quick-tempered, he wouldn’t attract people with careless hearts. As we know, they are attracted by impressing words and repelled by harsh words, but nevertheless, we will talk about some facts or events in which there were harsh words, because the situation of that event dictates that such words should be spoken. We find a situation in which he spoke gently because the circumstances of that situation were such that he should have spoken gently. Therefore, we say that the words and language of the Qur’an should be in the light of a clear vision between the old heritage and modernity, and a strong relationship between them, provided that the former does not cancel the work of the latter.