Legal protection from domestic violence In international conventions and the Iraqi constitution

Razak Hubal Salloum
Field of study:
Faculty of Law
URD Press

The Iraqi family is exposed to many challenges and growing dangers with the rapid transformation and material and intellectual changes that it is witnessing, coinciding with the acceleration of globalization and openness to Western cultures, especially with the expansion of the technological and information revolution, which allowed wide areas for the influence of other cultures to penetrate the reality of Iraqi and Arab society. Facing the challenges of the age, on top of which are a number of social, cultural and moral challenges. Domestic violence is not related to the extent of progress and backwardness, but rather to the extent to which it reaches a state of collective, political, psychological, intellectual, economic and religious satiation for all social, age and sexual groups of society and its impact at the same time on the balance of rights and duties among members The family and their relationship to society, and considering that the family is the basic structure of society, its stability and cohesion will be reflected on the society as a whole. Therefore, the countries of the world have been interested in finding programs and strategies to protect the family from violence and in view of the widespread phenomenon of domestic violence and its negative effects on individuals, society, public order and on the development of society, development and in order to protect family and take action Legal measures for safety and stability, prevention of domestic violence by means of prevention, and remedial and remedial solutions after its occurrence.

The study contains four chapters in addition to the conclusion, results, recommendations and references