A historical study of Al -Jizya and its role in the converting the Religions Believers in other heavenly books to Islam

Khalid Thamer Drais Al-Karawi
Field of study:
Faculty of Law
URD Press

One of the important matters that is applied in every country is taking tax from citizens as well as non-citizens who live in every country. By giving a sum of money, they would obtain all the rights of Muslims, such as blood money, the penal and civil laws, restoration of dignity. etc., the tolerance and Islamic tolerance of the Ahl al-Dhimma , their freedom to perform their religious rituals without anyone preventing them, as well as not forcing them to accept Islam, rather Muslims wanted to build the religion for them, and if they love Islam, they accept it.  But there are those who claim that this type of tax humiliate and degrade peoples, and they refer the end of verse 29 of Surah al-Tawbah, but the fair researcher believes that it is a type of tax and that Islam respected other peoples and in stead for receiving the Al-Jeziya from Ahl al-Dhimma  drops some of the tasks that fall upon them. Muslim Caliphs have taken the Messenger of God (PBUH) and his way of dealing with non-Muslims as an example for them, and they walked in that way .In this message we want to see the extent of the impact of theAl- Jeziya (Islamic tax )and tolerance that had with the people of Ahl al-Dhimma in their accepting of Islam.