Objective Explanation of Holy Quran a comparative study between Sayed Mohammed Baqer Alsader and Sheikh Jawadi Amly

Mohammed kamil Ibrahim Alselman
Field of study:
Quranic Sciences
Faculty of Quranic Studies
URD Press
Seyed Shabib Almosawi

The aim of this comparative study is to shed light on the approach of the objective Explanation of holy Quran and to stand on it’s origin ,  importance and the stages  of it’s development and to show it’s relationship with the partial Explanation .In order to  discover the role orientalism and modernity dealing with this approach and  to reach the core of this study and it’s central point is to discover the theory  of Quran objective Explanation by the martyer Sayed Mohammed Baqer Alsader and Sheikh  Abdullah Jawad Amly through  the comparative study of approach and it’s applications for every one of them .I concluded that Mohammed Baqer Alsader starts his theory from the real society related to Quranic text and finshes his theory with the subject depending  on the style of dialogue and imitation with the text , so his applications treats social issues that humanity needs  ,while Sheikh Jawad Amly thinks that the objective Explanation of holy Quran doesn’t stand on Quran limits only ,but it is necessary to take in consideration the opinion  of the prophet and his progeny ( Alotra) after that we can find out a theory of the searched subject  that represents the opinion of the Quran and the prophet’s progeny (Alotra) following that we can discover the opinion of Islam for any problem so this is very clear in his applications for Quran explanations.