Inclusion and its role in protecting public money in Iraq and Egypt, a comparative study

Ameer Haleem Yousif
Field of study:
Faculty of Law
URD Press
Syed Alireza Tabatabai

The Iraqi legislature has issued a law guaranteeing or including that public property should be returned, but this law has not been implemented, and we see that public property has a special sanctity and it is the duty of every citizen to protect it. However, this issue, despite its importance, has not been considered by Iraqi jurists as well as Iraqi legislators, and for this reason, we have studied this issue and used it as the basis and framework of our dissertation so that we can find the mechanisms by which it can Know the cases of encroachment on public property punished, and especially the property related to the treasury and the effectiveness of legal measures taken by the government, and our research is not limited to Iraq but also to other countries such as Egypt. And the Presidential Assembly issued the Guarantee or Inclusion Act No. 12 in 2006, by which it issued legal rules and regulations to guarantee the employee when it causes damage to the treasury due to negligence or negligence. Work or oppose the rules and hands And actions and regulations. One of the positive points of this law is the collection and consolidation of these legal regulations after they have been scattered in a number of laws of the Revolutionary Command Assembly, which after ordering a loss or the head of an organization not related to the Ministry, ordered the formation of a research committee Gives people. And this text exclusively defines the authority and competence of forming a committee with the minister or the head of the organization not related to the ministry, and it is not possible for a committee to be formed from other persons, whether it is the head of the ministry or the director general. Someone gave it and also based on the mentioned text, it cannot be given to others and there is no mention of giving this authority to others, but the formation of the committee was the duty of the minister or the chairman of the committee and in this research, the researcher The analytical descriptive method is used.