The Heritage in the Poetry of Andul Razzaq al-Rubay’ee (Hanging Corpses and Fatima’s Fingers as Sample)

Ibrahim Jalil Mohsin Mohsin
Field of study:
Arabic Language and Literature
Faculty of Nations Cultures and Languages
URD Press

In this study named “The Heritage in the Poetry of Andul Razzaq al-Rubay’ee (Hanging Corpses and Fatima’s Fingers as Sample)” the researcher aims to focus on the value of heritage in the poetry of Abdul Razzaq and how he could utilize the heritage to raise the value of his verse, when he called the heritage to be witness what happens inside him and as a mirror tells the truth of his life and his people and homeland. The importance of this research comes from the importance of the heritage itself and the different fields of the nations’ cycle since they achieve their prosperity and progress from the vast size of the heritage itself through many generations, and thus the heritage becomes a great number of experiments passed on the ancestors to be lessons to the successors so that they can learn how to Passover the mistakes and profit from the positive experiments. Our poet al-Rubay’ee could skillfully use those elements to assist his ideas and associate the others’ ideas. Mixing between the ancient heritage and the colors of the poems produces more modern poetry, and here we mean the prose poetry known in the Arabic literature which has been expanded in the contemporary verse, therefore, the al-Rubay’ee poetry became a real example of such verse. The poet also tries to show the reader the unknown religious heritage and discovers whether it is historical, literary or old social tradition which can keep the Arabic identity and protect it from negative forms of modernization, so he made the heritage as his primary source to form his ideas and show the crisis of his people. This study declares that al-Rubay’ee could precisely use the heritage in his verse in a real form, which shows the poet’s understanding to make his verse near to the reader’s comprehension according to the progress occurred in the Arabic literature and in the same time harmonized with the modernization prevailing all literature fields. The researcher made his study based on analytic and descriptive method.