Textual coherence in the dialogue of the Qur’anic stories (Dialogue of the Prophets Ulu Al-Azm as a model)

Jassim Na’eem Abd
Field of study:
Arabic Language and Literature
Faculty of Nations Cultures and Languages
URD Press

Textual interconnection is a concept that carries with it many basic and sub-concepts that surround the text internally and externally to probe its depths and give tangible and clear results to the reader at the level of significance and meaning. In the first chapter, I was exposed to the concept of text, text, and discourse, and the text emerged and the difference between text linguistics, sentence linguistics, and dialogue, language and idiomatically. Then, in the second chapter, I dealt with consistency and phonetic consistency, which in turn included the Quranic comma and intonation in verses and parallelism, and the second topic was lexical consistency, which included repetition, lexical accompaniment, and masculine conjunction. The third topic is grammatical consistency and contains reference, linkage with tools, deletion, and the demands they contain in some detail in the verses of the dialogue of the prophets as a model. In the third chapter, I dealt with coherence in the Qur’anic texts and dialogues for those of determination in the manner of semantic relations, such as the relationship of the signification of addition in the verses of the dialogue of the prophets, the question and answer, the relationship of generality and detail, and the relationship of necessity, which was known in the past by the term “observance of peer”. It is intended from this research to shed light on the beauty of dialogue between the Messengers (peace be upon them) and their Creator, Glory be to Him, and between people of all walks of life. The focus was on the high moral value that the Messengers (peace be upon them) called for in their dialogue and the ways they took in responding to the violators.