Legal Organization of Management of Correctional Institutions

Omar Najah Hameed Al-Baidhawi
Field of study:
Faculty of Law
URD Press

The change in the philosophy of punishment from the philosophy of punishment and deterrence to the philosophy of correction and rehabilitation has been accompanied by the change in the task of correctional institutions. Currently, correctional and educational institutions pay attention to the implementation of punishment, correction and rehabilitation of convicts and prisoners. This research includes the definition of the nature of reform and education institutions, which can play its reforming role only with the presence of forces in which institutions work according to international rules and principles. Whether these rules are binding or flexible. The present research analyzes and describes which cases are closer to the subject and which ones are more suitable. This thesis also defines correctional institutions and examines its historical development, its types, characteristics and the international laws that are in line with it, and deals with everything that belongs to the employees of correctional institutions, starting from the definition of employees and ending with The classification and division of forces is based on the job needs and tasks of the reforming institution. This research also refers to the administrative organization of correctional and educational institutions in terms of the assigned duties as well as the monitoring systems of its work, which includes judicial supervision of the security aspect and employees and administrative supervision. This research also describes the detention systems, the characteristics of each system, its evaluation and the position of Iraqi and Algerian legislators regarding their adoption, and specifies the methods of punishment. And at the end, we have dealt with the social reintegration programs of convicts and providing them with health, psychological, social and educational care, which should be enjoyed by a prisoner or a detainee as one of the fundamental rights of a person; Rights that are approved by all governments in line with human rights, in charters and international constitutions. The research ends by referring to the most important results that the researcher has reached and the most important suggestions related to the subject of the thesis, which is proportional to the importance and seriousness of the issues that have been addressed.