The social and political conditions of the Shiites of Baghdad in the Buyid and Seljuk eras: a comparative

Mohamed Taher Mohamed Al-Mahnawi
Field of study:
Islamic History
Faculty of History
URD Press
Ahmad Hatif Al-Mafraji

In fact, this research deals with an important historical issue, which is the attempt to reveal the political and social conditions of the Shiites in Baghdad in the Buyid era (334 AH-447 AH) and the Seljuqis (447 AH-590 AH).  With regard to the Shiites here, it is meant those whom you call this name, but it is predominant, or what is meant are the Imami Shiites, because their presence in Baghdad during the period intended by the research here was stronger than others, such as the Zaydis or the Ismailis.  As for the place of research, it is the city of Baghdad, which had a major role in historical events and was even the capital of the Abbasid state even during the era of the Buyids and the Seljuks, and therefore it was chosen for research.  As for the reason for choosing to compare the conditions of the Shiites between the Buyid and Seljuk state, this is due to the type of reality and the sectarian orientation of the Buyids and the Seljuks, as they used to refer to two sects, one of them is Shiite, namely the Buyids, and the other is Sunni, namely the Seljuks, and this by its nature affects the development of the political and social conditions of the Shiites in different time periods. This research here, in its nature, falls within the field of historical studies, and therefore its method itself is considered historical, and it takes into account the tracing of the political and social conditions of the Shiites between two successive periods, namely, the Buyids and the Seljuks.  His method is the comparative method as well, but the comparison is the goal of this research from the beginning and this is what the title carries. The research is based on primary sources, especially historical ones that fall within the category of general history.  The result of this research in general is that the Shiites in the time of the Buyids, their social and political conditions were better than they were under the Seljuk rule.  Al-Buwaihi is in the hands of the Shiites, and in the Seljuk era it is in the hands of the Sunnis. As for the social conditions, it is clear that the Shiites under the Buyids had a large social space, especially those related to the performance of their doctrinal ceremonies, unlike the Seljuk era in which they were denied many privileges.