Me and another in the poem of IbnSahlAndalusian

BorhanEbrahim Hamid
Field of study:
Arabic Language and Literature
Faculty of Nations Cultures and Languages
URD Press

This study deals with the subject of “me and the other in the poetry of IbnSahl al-Andalus”, as self-construction and its features may require a certain philosophy, in order to be able to dictate its shape, color and all its features to products and needs. To explain the close relationship between oneself and another

This study seeks to investigate and search for the existence of the ego phenomenon and the poetic other in its complex relationship with the other and its interactions and interactions.

Because this study is based on showing the degree of interaction between the poet himself and the other, which is shown by the beloved, motherland, friend, etc., through the use of poetic language energies and high capabilities. IbnSahl al-Andalus was one of the poets who used all his linguistic abilities to express the other who was involved in his institution and thought. It reflects the great intellectual imagination of the poet in an attempt to create a new intellectual transformation under the influence of old age, a model presented by al-Mutanabi and Amr al-Qais.

This study came to the important conclusion that: The poetic nature sometimes puts the problem of ego and other within the poet artistic, aesthetic and moral insights that try to reveal the human content of the poet’s personality, however, religious education and transformation. IbnSahl al-Andalus’s poems are still the dominant aspect of depicting the relationship between the ego and the other poetically.