Bani Umayyah and the employment of media to support authority

Miad Awad Abdolhossein Abdolhossein
Field of study:
Islamic History
Faculty of History
URD Press
Fallh Almansouri

The idea of ​​the study focused on the media aspect and its importance to the Umayyad authority, which strived to employ it to serve its interests, whether it was during the Rashidi era in preparation for their attainment of power, or after their arrival to the pyramid of power in the Islamic state, and their methods differed in this field, including that they employed the aspect In the context of their employment of the religious aspect, they sought to put the false prophetic hadith containing some of the alleged virtues of their symbols, besides, they tried to interpret some Qur’anic verses according to their whims to undermine the Their opponents in the media, whether these opponents are from the people of the House of Prophecy (b) or others who chose the path of revolution to get rid of the tyranny of the Umayyads.On the one hand, and on the other hand, the Umayyads relied on other methods in the media, including employing the literary aspect, especially poetry, because of its great place in the hearts of the Arabs. To polish the image of the Umayyad rulings and present it in the best way to the public. The work of historians and retribution and their approach was not far from the sights of the Umayyad authority, which realized the importance of these people in society, so it sought, with the effort it had to woo them, in order to influence, even in a relative way, the general culture of the people and direct it in a manner that suits the interests of the authority, especially in establishing the concept of kingship and inheritance. in people’s minds.The study reached several results, perhaps the most important of which is that the Umayyads were alerted early on to the importance of the media as a way to lead them to power, no less important than military force, if not more important than it, and other results are that Islam was not important to the Umayyads, otherwise they would not have dared to put the false hadith in pursuit of Of them to establish their authority, the study also found that the goal of the Umayyads from using the media aspect was not only to reach power, but it was a systematic distortion of Islam because they take into account the sanctity of Islam, because the method of manipulating religious texts will have a negative impact on the religious orientation that will continue for centuries, and they are thus They are planting the first seeds of public deviation in the history of Islam.The study included several sub-headings, including the Umayyad propaganda methods, which included several aspects, such as employing the religious aspect, and employing poetic and literary texts for the benefit of the authority, as well as benefiting from the role of retribution and media historians. Including the media directed against the government of Imam Ali bin Abi Talib, peace be upon him, as well as the role played by the media in the confrontations of the revolutions that took place against the Umayyad rule, and how the Umayyads, through their media apparatus, were able to win over the leaders and tribal leaders