Legal Obligations on the Public Employee in Light of the General Job Ethics

Mohammed Ayoob Hussein Hussein
Field of study:
Faculty of Law
URD Press
Muhsin Malek Afzali

The administrative work of today’s world occupies a prominent place in the functional group. In addition to the tools and manifestations of the exercise of state power, it has become a feature of all aspects of human activity and various organizations, Therefore, administrative work is a great task performed by employees with organizational authority with clear goals, capabilities and beliefs about their mission and beliefs about specific goals knowing that they are representatives of the state and servants of society. If the conditions are met, the main objective is to determine the level of employees, commitment to general work ethics, and to consider the extent to which legislators comply with the legal documents that employees must pass and obtain a set of results that will help in strengthening administrative work. The jurists, discussing them and extracting practical results from their detailed evidence, and reached a set of conclusions regarding the duty to perform the employee’s services. The employee has a moral obligation. Although the legislator may explain the breach of the position, which leads to isolation, it was more appropriate than the legislator. As for the second obligation represented in the preserving the dignity of the job. It is noticeable that the Iraqi legislator, despite his money, was of extreme importance, so he had to put several legal texts that show us the various acts and actions prohibited by the employee.