Persuasive Style in Qur’an Based on the Interpretation of Keshaf Zamakhshari

Abbas Ibrahim Amir AlBuAbdellah
Field of study:
Quranic Sciences
Faculty of Quranic Studies
URD Press
Zahra Akhavan Sarraf

Persuasive style is one of the concepts that plays an important role in new writings due to its place in a person’s life and acceptance of thoughts. The goal and purpose of the divine revelation – the Holy Quran – is to guide people in the most stable way, therefore it guides them through persuasion and not through force and coercion. Qur’an uses general logical methods to persuade people, and by reporting the stories of the prophets, it narrates the methods of persuasion of the prophets. Things that the commentators have explained in their interpretations. The present study deals with the recognition of persuasive styles in the Qur’an – both general styles and those specific to the Call of Prophets – based on what Zamakhshari explained in his interpretation – Al-Kashaf an Haqaeq e Ghawamaz al-Tawil. This research clarifies that there are methods such as command, consultation, persuasion and delegation to induce content and call to something; Qu’ran has used some methods to persuade. Among the common logical ways used in the Quran are: creating an alternative, gradual expression, taking it easy and not being strict, choosing the right place and time, arguing, etc. There are also methods that are specific to the Call of Prophets and we understand them from the stories of Qur’an, such as: miracles, presenting examples and comparative behavior, preaching and warning, miracles in convincing testimony. In his commentary, Zamakhshari uses evidence-based reasoning and methods in conversation such as debate, question and answer, etc. to convince his audience of his words. It also has its own styles, for example, in the linguistic and rhetorical approach, the rational method, the narrative method and especially the persuasive style; As many commentators have explained those styles, things like: repetition, deletion, alliteration, presentation and delay and other things that, from the source of divine revelation, raise the level of human beings in inducing content and calling and convincing others.