Interrogative questions in the Noble Qur’an based on the interpretation of Majma’ al-Bayan

Maryam Ayad Fouad
Field of study:
Quranic Sciences
Faculty of Quranic Studies
URD Press

The interrogation is one of the things that used in speech to clarify the intent, and it is in the sense of seeking understanding. The interrogation, if it deviates from its true meaning, turns into different forms, and each form has its own meaning. If we know these meanings, we can better understand through them what the speaker wanted. And from this particular chapter, we found a great number of the meanings of the interrogation used in the Holy Qur’an, including the meaning of news such as denial and report, and the meaning of construction as an order, forbidding, warning, reminding, affirmation, warning, enticing, wishful thinking, exclamation, reprimand and others. The medical sign alerts each interrogative instrument, such as does, shake, which, where, how, how much, where, when, and He showed the meanings of each one of them in his interpretation, referred to it and an example of it under the relevant verses, then interpreted the Noble Qur’an according to the meanings given to it by the different sections mentioned in the interrogation.