Media Trends, Independent High Electoral Commission Page, Facebook, Iraqi Parliament Elections

Ahmed Madhloom Thwayn al- graish
Field of study:
Faculty of Social Sciences, Media and Communication
URD Press
Amir reza Tamadoon

his study deals with one of the important and modern topics in the field of media, as it focuses on social media platforms that have entered the world and from its widest doors. To be the official portal for everything it publishes on its Facebook page during the 2021 parliamentary elections, because of the importance of this page and follow-up by members of society and the Iraqi voter, and to show media trends for its role in delivering correct information about the course of the parliamentary elections. The study started from a problem represented by the question (What are the contents of the communication messages promoted by the Independent High Electoral Commission and how did you use the media trends of the Facebook page within the temporal limits?). The publications of the page of the Independent High Electoral Commission during the study period, which is one month, determined by the researcher for the period of time extending from 1/10/2021 and ending with 10/31/2021 with the aim of collecting a comprehensive inventory sample of publications and distributing them to two weeks prior to the electoral process and the two weeks after the elections and as it was analyzed By using the content analysis tool for (194) publications distributed into (16) main structured content, after that a number of comprehensive sub-contents were identified, which numbered (6). Here, the following conclusion about the media trends of the High Elections Commission is to control the flow of news and control other sources. And not to pay attention to news sources accept official ones. To prevent rumors and control the media atmosphere, and to build trust between them and the electorate through the method of news coverage. Live news interviews and frequent attendance of various officials in its branches and inform them of the process of the conduct of the elections and news coverage of this issue. In order to gain acceptance among the electorate. The research also included five chapters distributed as follows: The first chapter was about a presentation of the study problem, its objectives, its scientific and practical importance, and the presentation of previous studies on the variables in this study, which are close to the variables of what was researched, the second chapter represented the theoretical framework, and the chapter The third was about the methodology of the study, the society and the research sample, and the fourth chapter was its content on analyzing the content of the study sample, and the fifth chapter carried the researcher’s conclusions and suggestions.