Fathers and Sons in the Qur’anic Vision An interpretive study of rights and duties from an interpretive perspective “liberation and enlightenment” and from the inspiration of the Qur’an

Bayader Adwar Mahdi Mahdi
Field of study:
Quranic Sciences
Faculty of Quranic Studies
URD Press
Mohammad Maleki Nahavandi

In the Holy Qur’an, fathers and sons have rights and duties, as true Islam came with various legislations, through which it called for the organization of social groups within a unified trust that is the family; As the latter constitutes the key to social advancement and civilized progress, and this progress does not come except by regulating family affairs within rights and duties that fall on the shoulders of this basic building block in every society. The Qur’anic evidence in the collection of these rights and duties and they called for the adoption of these rights and duties to form an appropriate family environment to create the integrated relationship that Islam legislated and advocated by scholars of Islamic education, and among these commentators. Among the most important public rights: the right of the individual to respect his moral and moral entity, the right of the person to the sanctity of his personal life, and the right of the individual to the safety of his body. As for duties, such as respecting and obeying parents, respecting others and his freedom and participation of others. Be good and listen when the parents speak. (Muhammad bin Ashour in his interpretation of Liberation and Enlightenment, and the scholar Muhammad Hussein Fadlallah in his interpretation of the Qur’an inspired ), where the thesis was based on the extrapolation of those Qur’anic evidence from the Noble Qur’an by taking the two previous interpretations as a model, and the two signs identified a set of multiple rights and duties. They both fall into the same destination. The rights of the scholar Muhammad Ibn Ashour in his interpretation of the Qur’an were eleven rights, while the rights of the scholars Muhammad Hussein Fadlallah in his interpretation of the Qur’an has ten rights, while the duties of the scholar Muhammad bin Ashour in his interpretation of the Qur’an are eight duties, and the duties of the scholar Muhammad Hussein Fadlallah in his interpretation of the Qur’an are nine duties, the two interpretations agree in eight rights which are life, education, spending, lineage, obedience and submission Giving thanks and providing care and righteousness after death, and also the two interpretations agreed on five duties, which are honoring one’s parents, charity, spending, social, religious and moral education. On the fathers, and he did not have Ibn Ashour, the rights and duties in total are commandments based on the consolidation of the content of the family and its social structure, and the rights and duties revealed the message of the two interpretations directed to Muslims in establishing their relations and knowing each of the father and son about his rights and duties, and finally the consolidation of principles Social solidarity and the achievement of family unity through the performance of rights and duties.