Giving leadership positions to young people from the perspective of the Qur’an and the Sunnah

Mossadeq Mowaffaq Abdul Muttalib Muhammad Rashid
Field of study:
Quranic Sciences
Faculty of Quranic Studies
URD Press
Mohsen Madani Najat

The issue of giving leadership positions to young people is a very important issue in societies today in general and in Islamic societies in particular, because there are those who defend giving leadership positions to young people and there are those who disagree with this matter and all come with evidence and witnesses to their opinion in agreeing or opposing it. Although we believe that the conscious youth is the one who is relied upon to lead the society, given that this youth group possesses the necessary energies that can carry out major tasks in building the society. The youth’s energies can be relied upon in building the state, and relying on their skills and scientific capabilities. The focus of this message is to explain the real foundations of the fact that young people are the important asset to the country. They represent the country and its future in all respects, and they bear this responsibility because they are the basic building blocks of countries. The topics of the message are looking at the recipes of the Noble Qur’an and the Prophetic Sunnah in preparing these energies and operating all their energies and abilities to reach that. An integrated society, and the models addressed in the Qur’an were for those who led the society and highlighted their ideas and fought corruption in it. Therefore, the researcher proceeded according to a scientific methodology based on focusing on these scientific fields: clarifying the features of the topic and the real importance that this research can highlight by treating the negative cases that occurred in society. In completing this thesis, we followed the methodology of applied analysis of the texts contained in the Noble Qur’an and the Noble Sunnah, and we reached striking results, such as that he considers young people one of the groups that must be given attention and given an appropriate task and according to the religious criteria that we explained to them, including: belief in God; To have sufficient experience and the ability to diagnose errors; Justice; Honesty and sincerity of speech; humility and good manners; Taking care of the subjects, being careful of them and fearing for them, and there are other things that we have mentioned in their appropriate place in the message.