Denunciation Of Polytheism From The Qur’anic Perspective, A New Reading
- Author:
- Zahra Nima Hashem Hashem
- Level:
- Master
- Field of study:
- Quranic Sciences
- Language:
- Arabic
- Faculty:
- Faculty of Quranic Studies
- Year:
- 2022
- Publisher:
- URD Press
- Supervisor(s):
- Mohammad Taghi Ansari Pour
The strong emphasis came in the Holy Qur’an on rejecting polytheism in worship and denouncing it and reprimanding it, and the worshipful polytheism has taken its great place in the Qur’an in terms of emphasis and attention, although the sections of polytheism are not limited to this individual, because it is in opposition to monotheism, it is divided as monotheism into polytheism in The Essence, polytheism in attributes, polytheism in actions, and polytheism in worship, as it is not necessary to search for one factor only for the tendency towards polytheism in worship. Rather, there are multiple factors that necessitated the emergence of polytheism, many of which the Holy Qur’an referred to, such as being drawn into illusions, fantasies and issues.Contrasting with logic, sensual orientation, heedlessness about metaphysics, seeking help and false appeal are from the existents that they cannot overcome, imitating others, following the whims of the soul, and the deceptions and cunning of the devils.Also, polytheism has types and divisions, some of which are obvious, and others are hidden. The clearest level of polytheism is the belief in the existence of another deity with God Almighty, and this type is very rare, and the verses and narrations rarely address it, although this is the worst type of polytheism.Worship other than God Almighty, such as the worship of trees, stones, animals, spirits, jinn, Prophet Jesus (peace be upon him), and the stars.Likewise, subservience to the whims of the soul through the temptation of Satan, in other words: polytheism in obedience, hypocrisy in worship, meaning that during his worship and obedience to God Almighty he intends to obey another being with the desire to show his work to him, or perform the work for the sake of God and others, and verse 110 is interpreted in Sora kahaf hypocrisy in worship, and polytheism may be used in the sense of self-shirk; i.e. the belief in the plurality of the principle, and it sometimes comes in the sense of an attribute polytheism; i.e. the belief in the existence of attributes of God Almighty that are in excess of Himself, as is the case with human attributes, and thirdly, what is meant by shirk is de facto shirk; Any belief in the existence of something other than God Almighty affects the world independently.