The literature of dealing with others in the context of the Noble Qur’an, according to the interpretation of Al-Mizan

Majid Ghaidan Majid Al-Atabi
Field of study:
Quranic Sciences
Faculty of Quranic Studies
URD Press
Salam Badran Al-Ali

People dealing with each other is something that cannot be avoided, for the sake of their social life, which requires that many of the needs of some are only done by referring to others, so it is necessary for people to coexist with each other in order to fulfill their needs. In this case, laws and constitutions are established in order for this social life to be a just life for every member of human society. But it is not possible to limit all matters to laws and constitutions, and to oblige people to observe them, as those who fail to comply with them will be fined, as is the case with many ethical matters that the law does not forbid or command, but rather leaves them alone, and exactly here lies the purpose and goal of our study where we tried Through it, studying the literature of dealing with others in the context of the Noble Qur’an according to the interpretation of Al-Mizan by Allamah Tabataba’i. It is obtained from our research and this study that observing politeness in dealing with others, whether it is parents, children, marital life, parents, relatives, friends and comrades, and whether it is enemies and violators, then observing politeness in coexisting with people and talking to them is what he has recommended God the people, and His prophets and messengers acted according to it, as they used to deal with people with good manners, even with those who opposed them and mocked them. Observing etiquette has consequences that have a great impact on parents and children and on all people, as it makes a person a moral person who is safe from cunning and badness, and that is why someone who knows him or someone who knows him tries to get close to him so that he can benefit from accompanying such a moral and polite person