The ethics of armed action in the Holy Quran (the popular crowd as a model))

Iyad Al-Masloukhi
Field of study:
Quranic Sciences
Faculty of Quranic Studies
URD Press
Mahdi Al-Husseini

This study, tagged with (Ethics of Armed Action in the Noble Qur’an (the Popular Mobilization as a model)), aimed to identify the ethics that must be met by the Mujahid for the sake of God, and took the heroes of the Popular Mobilization as an actual model for applying these ethics to him, in addition to identifying some heroic positions of the Popular Mobilization members, and try to answer the repeated attacks of media and others that are intended to marginalize the championships the popular crowd and achievements to fight the evil forces of Bdaash and the remnants of cowards Applying the so says: fla obey the unbelievers and Jahidhm by jihad Kpara (), and om Hspettm to enter Paradise and what God knows who fought among you, and He knows the patient(s).

Since the topic of the popular crowd is a new topic and many books and studies on it have not yet been published, the researcher has faced many difficulties in finding appropriate sources for his study.

Then we benefited from the sources and the comprehensive narratives from the Shiites and the Sunnis and also referred to the existing interpretations, and this matter made the thesis answer the main question, which is (What are the Quranic ethics of armed action according to the Popular Mobilization Mujahideen), and one of the most important results we have reached is that it is necessary to wage jihad against every infidel and polytheist in order to be The religion is all for God Almighty and with everyone who corrupts and innovates in the laws of God, whether he is from the people of Islam or the people of the Book.

It is also required in jihad the presence of a legitimate leader or leader so that he is the pivot and reference in organizing and coordinating matters, whether it is the Most Generous Messenger  in person or on his behalf or on behalf of the infallible imams after him or their representatives who are in control of the course of affairs and who fulfill the remaining qualifying conditions in them (God supported them) And Muslims must prepare forces and prepare themselves at every time and according to the conditions and requirements to an extent that intimidates the opponent and cuts off their greed for Islam and Muslims in all aspects of their individual, social, cultural, economic, political and other lives.

The key words for the study are (ethics, armed action, jihad, Quran, popular mobilization, defense, Islamic resistance).