The influence of Abbasid authority in the writing of history in Chamanzars Tala and the biography of Ibn Hisham and Al-Mufakit Zubair bin Bakr

Haider Raji Falih al-Atabi
Field of study:
Islamic History
Faculty of History
URD Press
Ramadan Mohammadi

The task of history was and still is to faithfully and accurately reflect the life of the nation in the past and its conditions and the intellectual, economic, social and political crises it was subjected to. Therefore, historical recording had a significant impact on the life and future of nations and revealed the factors of their decline. Our history today is the most history of rulers and sultans, so most of it prayed to us distorted and distorted and did not faithfully reflect the true picture of the life of the nation in the past.. Historical codification in the Abbasid era suffered from this problem. Despite the flourishing of thought and the activity of scientific life during the era of the Abbasid caliphs, the ruling authority was secretly active to prevent the writing of what would offend its authority and consolidate its authority. In this research, we dealt with the biography of Ibn Hisham or the Muwafaqit of Ibn al-Bakkar and the book Marwah al-Dahab by Masoudi to reveal the impact of the Abbasid authority on historical codification on many topics that concern the Ahl al-Bayt and confirm that they are the owners of the truth. Therefore, it is necessary for those who read these books to read them with caution and awareness and to extract from them what is consistent with reality, because despite everything, our history remains the richest recorded history ever.Through this research, we concluded that Ibn Hisham’s attempt to produce the Prophet’s biography in an integrated manner was not completed with success, due to his exposure to several political and religious influences, which in turn led to distortions and alterations of the basic texts contained in the biography of Ibn Ishaq. In addition, Ibn Hisham gave the shortening of his biography a religious dimension. Through his reliance on the Holy Qur’an as a primary source in clarifying the reasons for the revelation of verses, and the interpretation of strange words, words and phrases, or to help clarify an incident, as Ibn Hisham referred to the places of omission at the beginning of the Prophet’s biography, that what the Messenger did not mention will be deleted, so he deleted The entire period from Adam to Abraham (peace be upon them) and the prophets and messengers between them, or those who came after the Prophet Ishmael, and they had no kinship with the Messenger Muhammad (may God bless him and his family).In this research, we have relied on the descriptive analytical method, where we will study the subject in its natural form, and support it by collecting the amount we deem appropriate of data and information derived from websites, programs, archives, references, printed books, manuscripts, articles, and various sources. References and translated works are available in various languages. Then we will clarify the relationship between the research variables in the form of questions or hypotheses, and then use the statistical analysis tools that fit the nature of the research data.