The influence of Islamic teachings on the way of life of Indian Muslims from the 7th to the 10th century AD (analytical study)

Najm Abboud Shain Al-Lami
Field of study:
Islamic History
Faculty of History
URD Press
Mohammad Zare Bushehri

This was not the first research of its kind in the study of India in general or Indian society in particular, I have surpassed many researchers in this field, but none of them mentioned the extent to which Indian society was influenced by strict Islamic education. In particular, to organize political, economic and social life, whether at the level of the individual or the society that has worked, it will change their lifestyle. Therefore, according to many considerations, India is considered one of the most important countries conquered by Muslims, the most important of which is its vast area, from the Himalayas in the north to the Arabian Peninsula in the south, and from the Hindu Kush mountains in Afghanistan and Iran in the west. to the Bay of Bengal in the east. In addition, India is the second largest country in South Asia in terms of population. It cast a shadow on the Indian society, which suffered from some social customs and traditions, in addition to the religious customs that those religions imposed on them and caused the humiliation of the Indian society at that time, especially women. Sometimes they suffered from injustice, marginalization and humiliation, as well as the social class system that the society suffered from, and the clergy and priests dominated them, therefore the Indian society, especially the poor classes, was affected by the Islamic conquests. And from the 7th century AD, under the leadership of (Muhammad bin Al-Qasim Thaqafi) and with organized campaigns, and here the Indian society entered Islam under the influence of Islamic teachings that worked on respect for human beings and also worked on justice and equality among Muslims. And also working on the abolition of social classes and respect for women. Therefore, in my study, I relied on the most important historical sources, old and new, and through websites, in addition to analytical studies of many specialized sources specifically in India, as well as the diagnosis of social problems through the stability and measurement of historical events.