The System Of Ethics in The Pahlavi Andarznāmas
- Author:
- Mohammad Reza Nazari
- Level:
- Master
- Subject(s):
- Non-Abrahamic religions
- Language:
- Farsi
- Faculty:
- Faculty of Religions
- Year:
- 2012
- Publisher:
- URD Press
- Supervisor(s):
- Seyyed Saeid Reza Montazeri
- Advisor(s):
- Seyyed Hasan Eslami Ardakani
Ethics in zorastrianism has significant position. In the Sasanid period, a particular style of ethical literature comes to exist that know today Andarznāma. Andarznāmas wich classified under category on practical ethics and has spicific feature, are trying to train moral their audience. This worke is describing the frame of Andrznāmas. This work trying to show that all Andarznāmas could be seen in single structure. The importance of this issue comes to appearance when the element of this system and its key concept are explained. Therefore, there is no choice for researcher but to take contextual approach and making dialogue between texts. In the end of this paper, it will be turn out that the ethic in the Andarznāmas, is a virtuous ethic and has closed similarity with Greek model of virtuousness. Human kind, in this model, consists from two dimensions: the rUwAN and the TaN, and the rUwAN is more important. Other concept like xrad, xēm, paymān, baxt, dēn and etc. are all in order to make soul blissful. A man should try to help deities either in microcosm and macrocosm and ultimately make himself their guest. In the other hand, the practical result of normative ethic appears in applied ethic and therefore it will be explained that the infrastructure of applied ethic’s issues in andarznāma, such as monarchy ethic. Citizenship, war and peace, health of body and soul, family, sexual and relationship ethic should be sought in normative ethic.